The End of Rental Restrictions: Part 2 (along with Age Restrictions & Electronic General Meetings)


In our previous article, we noted that the esteemed Strata legal community had not yet weighed in on the impact of Bill 44, designed to end Rental Restrictions in BC.

We would like to take this opportunity to link you to an article from Lesperance Mendes, very astute Strata-focused lawyers here in the Lower Mainland and their commentary on the new prohibition on rental restrictions, changes to the age restriction provisions in the Strata Property Act, and an overlooked change as well: that electronic Annual/Special General Meetings will be permanently enshrined as legitimate in the SPA.  Notably, the provision in the “proposed legislation would also clarify that a voter who attends a general meeting virtually does not need to be issued a voting card and is not entitled or required to vote by secret ballot.”

As Lesperance Mendes notes, general commentary on this legislation is not to be taken as legal advice.  If your Strata Corporation has specific questions about the impacts of this legislative change, your Property Manager would be pleased to arrange a legal opinion on your behalf.