A Discussion on the Civil Resolution Tribunal


On November 15th, Stratawest was pleased to welcome a large number of our interested council members to a client seminar entitled, “A Discussion on the Civil Resolution Tribunal”.  Joining us to provide an overview of the Civil Resolution Tribunal (CRT) were Shannon Salter, Chair of the CRT, and Tony Gioventu, Executive Director of the Condominium Home Owners Association (CHOA).  We are extremely thankful to both Shannon and Tony for taking time from their very busy schedules to speak with us and also for agreeing to provide the following information to our clients and all of those that follow our blog.

The discussion was informative and well received, and included background on the formation and purpose of the CRT, the use of the CRT technology (the Solution Explorer), the types of claims currently being experienced and that may be expected, the handling of disputes and collections by strata councils through the CRT, and helpful tips on avoiding it all together. Due to the popularity of the seminar topic and the interest of those that could not attend, we decided to have it recorded and are pleased to provide the videos of the respective presentations below, along with the slide decks of the presentations themselves.

 shannon-salter Shannon Salter is the Chair of the Civil Resolution Tribunal, and an adjunct professor at the UBC Allard School of law, teaching administrative law and legal ethics.  Ms. Salter was a judicial law clerk with the British Columbia Supreme Court, practiced litigation at a large Vancouver law firm for several years, and has served as a vice chair of the Workers’ Compensation Appeal Tribunal.  While she has dedicated much of her professional life to improving access to justice, Ms. Salter is also a commissioner of the Financial Institutions Commission, vice president of the British Columbia Council of Administrative Tribunals, and a past board member of the College of Registered Nurses of British Columbia.

Shannon Salter’s CRT Presentation Slide Deck 

 tony-gioventu Tony Gioventu is the Executive Director of the Condominium Home Owners Association (CHOA) and one of the architects of the Solutions Explorer and other aspects of the Civil Resolution Tribunal. CHOA is the largest association representing the strata industry in British Columbia, providing advisory services, education, resources, and support for their members. Through his prolific writings in local media, presentations and seminars to both the public and the strata industry, and countless committees and working groups, Mr. Gioventu’s work with CHOA aims to make strata living a positive experience.


Tony’s CRT Presentation

It was noted at the seminar that Cory Pettersen sits on the Board of the Strata Property Agents of BC (SPABC) and they are working with Hammerberg Lawyers LLP to produce an educational brochure for strata councils which will be provided to Stratawest clients upon completion.  We are pleased that both CHOA and the CRT have since agreed to review this document prior to distribution in order to make it as accurate and informative to strata councils as possible, and it will be circulated to clients of SPABC member brokerages in due course.

Stratawest would like to once again extend our thanks to all those that participated in this seminar and invite any feedback that you may have on it or this post.