
  • Financial Management

    • Maintenance of separate trust account(s) in the name of each client
    • Collection of monthly strata fees and special levies, penalties, parking, storage, laundry and miscellaneous charges, where appropriate. This includes:
      • executing electronic bank transfers
      • notifying owners of strata fees, special levies and other charges
      • sending reminder letters in advance of post-dated cheque payments expiring
      • posting payments to each owner’s account and maintaining accurate accounts receivable
      • initiating collection of overdue accounts, including correspondence, providing advice to the strata council and, if necessary, arranging for the filing of liens and court-ordered sale proceedings
    • Payment of approved trade and supplier invoices, employee, payroll and contractual obligations. This includes:
      • coding invoices for processing and financial statement preparation
      • preparing, signing and issuing cheques on behalf of the strata corporation
    • Preparation of monthly operating statements. This includes:
      • balance sheet
      • statements of receipts and disbursements for both the Operating and Contingency Reserve Funds
      • general ledger listing
      • accounts receivable listing by owner
      • copy of bank statement and reconciliation
      • copies of paid invoices
    • Preparation of annual Operating and Contingency Reserve Fund budgets itemizing projected revenues and expenditures for approval by the strata council and strata corporation.

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  • Financial Management Services

    • Maintenance of separate trust account(s) in the name of each client
    • Collection of monthly strata fees and special levies, penalties, parking, storage, laundry and miscellaneous charges, where appropriate. This includes:
      • executing electronic bank transfers
      • sending reminder letters in advance of post-dated cheque payments expiring
      • posting payments to each owner’s account and maintaining accurate accounts receivable
      • initiating collection of overdue accounts, including correspondence, providing advice to the strata council and, if necessary, arranging for the filing of liens and court-ordered sale proceedings
    • Payment of approved trade and supplier invoices, employee, payroll and contractual obligations. This includes:
      • coding invoices for processing and preparing financial statements
      • preparing, signing and issuing cheques on behalf of the strata corporation
    • Preparation of monthly operating statements to include:
      • balance sheet
      • statements of receipts and disbursements for both the Operating and Contingency Reserve Funds
      • general ledger listing
      • accounts receivable listing by owner
      • copy of bank statement and reconciliation
      • copies of paid invoices
    • Preparation of annual Operating and Contingency Reserve Fund budgets itemizing projected revenues and expenditures for approval by the strata council and strata corporation.

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  • Administrative Assistance

    • Arrangement of all General Meetings of the strata corporation. This includes:
      • booking facility rentals where necessary
      • preparing and distributing notices and agendas
      • providing voting ballots and proxy forms
      • recording attendees and proxy holders
      • ensuring meetings are conducted in accordance with the Strata Property Act
      • preparing and distributing meeting minutes
    • Preparation and distribution of strata council meeting minutes as directed by the strata council
    • Preparation and distribution of notices and business correspondence as required by the strata council
    • Preparation and retention of required documentation for the sale of a strata lot
    • Attending to records management as required by the Strata Property Actand strata corporation’s bylaws, including maintaining:
      • minutes of General Meetings and strata council meetings;
      • list of strata council members
      • lists of owners, tenants (including assignments of owner’s rights) and mortgagees
      • consolidated bylaws and rules
      • insurance policies and appraisals
      • books of account
      • annual Operating and Contingency Reserve Fund budgets
      • trade and employment agreements
      • legal and arbitration decisions
      • tax returns
      • ¾ vote and unanimous vote resolutions
      • informational material to owners and tenants

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  • Building and Asset Management

    • Liaison and supervision of employees, contractors and trades engaged by the strata corporation
    • Attending to emergency situations and any required insurance claims submissions
    • Maintenance of arm’s length, working relationships with reliable and efficient trades in order to carry out repairs and maintenance to common property during routine and emergency situations
    • Purchase of necessary supplies and materials at discounted rates when available

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