BC’s New Strata Housing Website


The province has updated their Strata Housing website which includes helpful guides, links, legislation and other resources for Strata Owners in British Columbia.  This is an immensely useful tool for Council members, Owners and Property Managers.  We encourage you to review the new website and in particular, familiarize yourselves with the various guides contained which answer a great deal many questions about Strata living in BC.

The main page can be found at: www.gov.bc.ca/strata

One page with all the topics listed as clickable links: www.gov.bc.ca/strata/finditfast 

From their press release:


The website provides basic information about certain parts of the Strata Property Act, regulations and Standard Bylaws as a helpful starting point for strata owners, residents, and strata council members.  While the focus is on strata housing, strata legislation applies to all strata corporations.  It is important to note that the website is not a substitute for getting legal advice; it does not provide a legal interpretation of the Strata Property Act, regulations, bylaws and rules or court cases and how the courts have interpreted the legislative framework.


  • The website uses more plain language and more examples.
  • It uses the new government template which is mobile friendly.
  • It has new content and expanded content including:
    • “Changes to Legislation”:  changes to strata legislation and related legislation over the past five years.
    •  “Insurance”: new content!
    • “The Role of Government”
    • “Living in a Strata”: how this differs from renting or owning  non-strata titled housing
    • “Bylaws and Rules Explained”
    • “Buying and Selling Strata” including “First Time Strata Owners”
  • This site also provides links and references to other strata resources including:
    • “Strata Associations”: CHOA, VISOA and CCI
    • “Getting Legal Advice”
    • “Strata Legislation” with links to legislation and options for getting printed copies

For the convenience of users and stakeholders the 28 Strata Property Instructional Guides have been archived and are posted on the site. They will not be updated—current information will be on the website, not in the Guides.

While the website has been reviewed by strata stakeholders and user-tested with both regular and expert users over the past two years, the site will continue to be updated and fine-tuned.